Case Studies:
Case 5-1:
Paige R. , 33 yo female, 5’7”, 185lbs., tried to conceive for 4 years. She had taken BCPs for over 10 years and failed one IUI and one IVF 4 years ago. She got 5 eggs, two fertilized but no one made to transfer in the IVF cycle. She stopped doing any medication because of the side effect of the fertility drugs. After she adopted a girl two years ago, she looked for alternative medicine to help her conceive.
Her period become shorter and had only 24 days per cycle last few months. Both follicular phase and luteal phase were short. She never had positive ovulation test. After taking Follicular Support™️ four capsules per day for one month, her period was back to 28 days a cycle. She ovulated on day 14. But three months later, her period was back down to 25 days. The BBT showed she had luteal phase defect and the temperature was dropping a week after ovulation, she added Hormonal Balance™️ 2 capsules per day along with Follicular Support™️ 4 capsules per day. She found out she was pregnant one month later. Her progesterone was 16.2, her HCG level was near 10 thousands in the fifth week of pregnancy. She was advised to increase Hormonal Balance™️ to 6 capsules per day because of the low progesterone level. On the week 8 of pregnancy, the fetus’ heartbeat reached 165 times per minute. 32 weeks later, Her baby girl birthed.
Case 5-2:
Shannon D., 36 yo female, diagnosed with PCOS. She did not have her period without medications help. She conceived her first daughter two years ago with botanical medicine help from us.
After completed breast feeding, her periods were normal for two months then they became space out. She tried 3 IUI and 2 IVF for second child. There were 8 eggs/ 3 fertilized / three blastocyst on the first IVF cycle. There were 8 eggs/ 3 fertilized / 2 blastocyst on the second one. None of blastocyst were normal. AMH was 0.7ng/ ml. Her doctor prescribed her Clomid 50mg for 5 days from day 3 of her cycle. But she was not ovulating. She asked for botanical medicine to enhance the fertility. Follicular Support™️ were adopted to come along with Clomid. The first two cycle she ovulated but had only 7 days of luteal phase. On the third cycle, Hormonal Balance™️ added after ovulation. One month later, she was pregnant. Her progesterone was 36. Nine months later, she gave a healthy baby boy.
Case 5-3:
Mona, 36 yo, 160 lbs, 5’4”, try to conceive three years. Her AMH was 0.6. Her husband had low sperm accounts and low percentage of sperm morphology. She just failed one IVF. She got 3 eggs, two were fertilized, one blastocyst, but it was abnormal.
She used Follicular Support™️ (4 capsules per day) to increase her egg quality. Her husband took Male Essence™️ in the same time. And she had her period on 23th day. Hormonal Balance™️ 4 a day was adopted to combine with Follicular Support™️. One month later, she found out she was pregnant. She kept taking the botanical medicine until week 12 of pregnancy.
* Note:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This products is not intended to diagnosis, helpf, cure or prevent any disease.
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