Case Studies:
Case 3 -1:
Jill W. , 35 yo female, 5’6”, 150 lbs, tried to conceive for a year after she was off BCPs. She had used BCPs for over 15 years because of endometriosis. She found out she had not ovulated every cycle. Her doctor gave her Clomid for three cycles. But she had no result. Her follicular phase was long, but her luteal phase was short even if she was taking Clomid. She took Follicular Support™️ 6 capsules a day for one month. The ovulation test showed positive on the middle of the menstruation cycle. After four months of Follicular Support™️, she conceived and carried a girl to full term.
Case 3 -2:
Melissa B., 41 yo, 5’5”, 155lbs, would like to have a baby for half year. Her period skipped twice last year. Her AMH was 0.12ng/ml, FSH was 10.4 mIU/ml. She experienced some hot flashes and insomnia. Her doctor had prescribed Progestrone for her condition. She took Follicular Support ™️ seven capsules per day for one months. The period came after she stopped taking progesterone. She continued taking Follicular Support™️ for one more month and the ovulation occurred. Then she switched to Immune Harmony™️ seven capsules a day. Two weeks later, she had a positive pregnancy test and carried a healthy boy to full term.
Case 3-3:
Rose J. , 44 yo female, 5’7”, 120 lbs, tried to conceive for seven months. She was on her first IVF cycle. Under maximum dosages of medication, her eggs was growing slowly and only two mature follicles developed on the right ovary. She had an IUI done instead but it was negative. She did an other IVF cycle with different protocol two months later. But the eggs grew even slower and the cycle was canceled. Her doctor recommended her use donor eggs. Rose was thin and experienced extremely thirsty and her eye and vaginal were dry. She was ndiagnosed with the disorder involving the immune mechanism. A few years later, she experienced Sjogren’s syndromes. She took Follicular Support™️ 4 capsules per day and Immune harmony™️ 4 capsules per day for three months. Her dryness was getting better. She found out she was pregnant. She continued taking the same herbs until 12 weeks of pregnancy. And 7 months later she had a healthy baby girl.
Case 4-4:
Clara R., 39 yo female, has been trying to conceive for 4 years. She had three IUI’s and got pregnant. But she miscarried due to Trisomy #9. She just completed her first IVF help two weeks ago. She was able to retrieve 6 eggs and got 2 blastocyst. However, none of the blastocysts were normal due to chromosomal abnormalities. She used Follicular Support™️ 4 capsules per day. One month later, her BBT chart showed the luteal phase was over 16 days and the pregnancy test was positive. She switched the herbal supplements to BabyPeace™️ 4 capsules once a day and Follicular Support™️ 4 capsules per day until the week 12 of pregnancy. She got a baby boy finally.
* Note:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This products is not intended to diagnosis, help, cure or prevent any disease.
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